Become A Member
Become an IAHF member and help us preserve, promote and celebrate Italian and Italian-American heritage and culture.
More importantly, enjoy networking with others that share the same passion and love of all thing Italian as you do.
Like the sound of our association? Want to become a member and join us? We look forward to welcoming you! Italian DNA is optional!
For more information email us at membership@iahfsj.org.
Benefits for all members:
Subscription to the electronic version of IAHF newsletter published monthly
A printed and mailed version is available for an additional $20.00 to help offset printing and mailing costs.​
Discounted rates at IAHF events
10% discount for Cultural Center hall rentals
Additional consideration on IAHF Scholarships applications
Email announcements of IAHF events
Access to theTwila Venuti IAHF Library support services (by appointment)
Access to a network of Italian-Americans: businesses, organizations, and societies
Thank you for your interest in joining the Italian American Heritage Foundation.
1) To enroll online: Scroll down to the “New Membership Click Here” tab and click on it. That will take you to a form to complete. Complete the form and select the level of membership in which you wish to enroll. Select your payment method and complete your credit card information. Finally, click “submit."
2) To enroll by mail: Scroll down to the "2025 Membership Form" area and click on “Membership Form.pdf." This will allow you to print the form. Once the form is printed, please complete it and return it by mail to the IAHF with your check.
3) To enroll by phone: Please call our office at (408) 293-7122 and have your credit card available.
Italian American Heritage Foundation
425 N. Fourth Street
San Jose, CA 95112
Phone: 408.293.7122
Fax: 408-293-7154
Email: iahfsj@iahfsj.org
Office Hours:
Tuesday thru Friday: 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM
Closed Saturday thru Monday
Current Members
The membership committee thanks you for your dedication and support of the Italian American Heritage Foundation. Together, we are preserving and promoting the Italian and Italian American culture throughout the Santa Clara Valley.
You are the foundation of our organization and we welcome all suggestions, comments and feedback from our members. Please email us at membership@iahfsj.org and let us know how we can improve your member experience.
Update Your Information
Have you moved, want to volunteer, changed your phone number, added an email address, or have changed any of your contact information recently? Please help us keep our contact records up to date by completing and submitting the contact information form today.
Not sure? Then submit the form and we'll double check on our end.
Membership Window
Memberships renew annually, beginning in January and expire December 31, 2025.
Family Membership - RENEWAL
Immediate family receives membership discounts at designated events.
Family members include a spouse/partner and children under 18 years of age.
Individual Membership - RENEWAL
Individuals receive membership discount at designated events.
Student Membership - RENEWAL
Students receive discounts at designated events and programs.
Non-Profit Organization Membership - RENEWAL
Non-profit clubs and/or organizations receive special recognition in our newsletter and discounts on all hall rentals. Each member of the organization receives a membership discount at designated IAHF events.
Business Membership - RENEWAL
If you own a business or are a professional person, you receive a certificate of membership, special recognition and discounts on advertisements in our newsletter. Each membership includes one business card sized ad in our newsletter, for two months per year.
Patron Level Memberships (formerly Super Donors)
For those who wish to contribute additional support
Exclusive Patron Level Memberships: receive discounts at designated events/programs, also 2 free regional lunches or 2 free cooking classes (or any combination of these limited to two total), newsletter recognition and an invitation to a special IAHF Board event.
Da Vinci Level--$250
Medici Level--$500
Montessori Level--$1,000
La Dolce Vita Level--$5,000 (Lifetime Membership)
2025 Membership Form:
IAHF Business Members
Thank you to our business community for their continuing support. We encourage everyone to patronize the businesses that support the IAHF. Grazie!
ROBERT & ERIN BASSO - RJ Properties Real Estate
SYLVIA & JASON CATHY - On-Site Construction, Inc.
LOUIS CHIARAMONTE - Chiaramonte Deli & Sausages
ROSETTA DE LUCA - Intero Real Estate Agent
ROB DiNAPOLI - DiNapoli Foods
DIANE RUBINO - Hillview Packing Company, Inc.
GEORGE AND GENE GUGLIELMO - Emilio Guglielmo Family Winery
JIM & JANICE JONES - Custom Pad & Partition Inc.
MATT & ARIANNA HORTON - Sereno Real Estate
SDS NexGEN PARTNERS LP - SDS NexGen Partners & Mulchay Family
AL & DIANE VALLORZ - Mangia Tutti Inc dba Tony and Alba's Pizza and Pasta